Written by Danielle Van Noy


After first having my concerns dismissed by my doctor, on December 10th, 2018, at 31 years old, I was diagnosed with HER2+ breast cancer (in my right breast). I was not too young for cancer like my md had thought— and I am grateful I pushed for a test after experience the lump I had found grow quickly.

On January 11th, 2019, in the weeks following my first diagnosis, I received a second breast cancer diagnosis of early stage ER+ DCIS in my left breast.

I was devastated, crushed, depressed, grieved, knocked out by this news.

For my treatments, I completed 6 rounds of chemotherapy (Taxotere & Carboplatin) along with 18 rounds of immunotherapy (Herceptin & Perjeta). July 10th, 2019, I underwent a double mastectomy with flat closure, no reconstruction.

My treatments were completed at Mount Sinai in New York City on February 2nd, 2020. I continue to see my doctors regularly for follow-up.


During treatment, acupuncture was an extremely helpful aid in managing side effects. Meditation, breath work, yoga, aromatherapy, counseling, massage, connecting with other survivors— and generally finding good outlets to express the strong mix of emotions I was experiencing— also sustained me. Writing—as chronicled here– became an outlet that helped me process, advocate, connect, and survive.

This blog is an archive of sharing (and oversharing) I did on instagram since 2018… plus whatever has come to mind that I felt might be good to jot down for personal or shared reference.

I share my experience and process in support and solidarity others facing cancer.

We ring bells to remember we are not alone. We ring bells to know we are loved.
I am ringing a bell and lighting a candle for you.

Danielle Van Noy Danielle Van Noy

Wreck It Room

Rage. Rage. Rage. I ask a friend, what do you do with your rage? Where is your healthy outlet? How do you avoid burning it all down? Shoulders rise. Shoulders fall.

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