Oct 7, 2019

We’ve been sinking into our new fall schedule, walking the quiet streets of New York early on Saturday and Sunday mornings, as I make my way to the studio for training, collecting the sun’s energy on the way.

The early morning hours of the weekend are unlike any other time, in NYC. It’s peaceful and still, and the light we love delights every corner of architecture. It’s a good time to reflect. There aren’t as many distractions when it’s early. And, it’s easier to see the way that life layers on top of life and death, in the temporary calm of this gritty grid.

After surgery my doctor didn’t prescribe physical therapy or map a way toward rehabilitating my strength. After being quite sick for years leading up to my diagnosis, plus chemo and surgery, I was feeling weak. I’ve been so fortunate to find myself in a program that is helping me heal while learning even more about the body. I may be learning at a yoga studio, but folks, it is physical and it is therapy.

Resting my happy/sore and tired muscles this Monday morn while G heads to the office. Soaking up new lessons in a bath full of Epsom salts and fragrant oils.

I’m feeling a pull to the kitchen and I’m thinking I might find myself over a pot of bubbling soup this afternoon. It’s fall and it makes me want to do my favorite things- gather with friends around warmth and food, dancing with all in the light.


Oct 8, 2019


Sep 26, 2019