Nov 18, 2019
The cold has a smell, and the crunch of ice calls at my ears, as it’s lumpy in my shoe tread. Our eyes follow the light. We take note of these senses.
Though I prefer coziness and warmth, there’s a great reward to moving through the chill. The cold doesn’t last forever and soon enough you’re belted back in with your seat on a warmer, rolling toward a hot meal.
This cold is here for now, but it won’t last, and in this season the cold guides to a fire within.
Lately, just leave me alone with the trees. Let me build a fire without using wood.
Loved this quote and thought you might too... “Whenever we touch nature we get clean. People who have got dirty through too much civilization take a walk in the woods, or a bath in the sea. Entering the unconscious, entering yourself through dreams, is touching nature from the inside and this is the same thing, things are put right again.”
Via @__nitch, Carl Jung